Tuesday, April 13, 2010

iLEAP, uLEAP, weLEAP when we master the test!

April 12th-16th are important days for us. We take the iLEAP test and have the intentions on mastering it! Outside our class we designed creations displaying the reasons why we will master the iLEAP...take a close look and you will see why we are ready to master this test!

Ned comes to visit us!

Ned travels all around the nation to prepare students for mastering test! With our iLEAP coming up, Ned encouraged us to try our best and never give up. Our own 5th grader Hailey B. was chosen as a volunteer for Ned's questions. She did an awesome job. Wen want to thank our school Social Worker Mrs.Moffett for bringing Ned to our school, he was excited to listen to and he showed us cool yo-yo tricks!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010